Here are some pics of the farm house so ya'll have a point of reference and can be super impressed with us! haha. But seriously though.
Sam drilling a hole in our bedroom to run a new plug.
Running a new plug through some brick so that our fridge can go here.
Plug in the dining room.
The nursery "before" shot:
The main room with paneling and soot-stained ceiling and stones. We have torn down the paneling, dry-walled, mudded and sanded walls and ceiling multiple times, and scrubbed, vacuumed, and sealed the fireplace. Drumroll for the "after" picture, please!
Here Sam is changing the electrical box for the fan.
Our room. Walls have been scrubbed, I believe, and are ready to mud.
Sam sanded straight into these little gems. Lots of layers!
Fan box.
Leak on the ceiling in our bedroom.
Old floor after we ripped out the carpet and pad.